On February 7, 2019 at 12 noon, the White Rock promenade partially reopened.
Ric Wallace is a very LAZY person who subscribes to the philosophy "Do the work once and sell it a million times." He has produced more than 300 White Rock / South Surrey postcards and greeting cards as well as a Wildlife of Canada series. Ric's goal for 2018 and beyond is to explode the CrowART line of postcards, greeting cards, magnets, poster prints, Wall ART and more.
Ric Wallace of White Rock Beach, BC CANADA considers himself to be an ARTographer, which he defines as someone with a strong background in photography, as well as an aptitude for graphic design and the ability to combine the two into one art form, digitally, on a computer.
Shopping at the White Rock Beach Gallery is COOL place to find CROW ART or CROWOLGY items at White Rock Beach, BC Canada. CROWtogapher ARTIST Ric Wallace, helps expand our Crow ART and running this site. With computers & camera equipment outdated quickly, we are in desperate need of updating computer & photography equipment.
CROW Postcards

CROW Greeting Cards
CROW Magnets
- BWS – Blank Wall Syndrome
- In Stock ACRYLIC Prints
- In Stock CANVAS Prints
- In Stock FRAMED Prints
- In Stock POSTER Prints
- Wall ART & Gift Ideas For People Leaving White Rock
- Wall ART for NEW Residents Of White Rock / South Surrey
- Why Purchase Wall ART from Ric Wallace / Mr White Rock